Saturday, July 13, 2013

Being bullied as an adult.

There is all sorts of focus on being bullied as a child, on awareness of bullying and making sure that those feeling bullied have outlets to express their concerns. Unfortunately as we grow older we think at bullying goes away, that people will act as adults and that everyone will be grown up about "things". 

This is not the case, bullying simply gets other terms, "office politics", "e good old boy system", or simply cliques, all of which are subtle or not so subtle forms of bullying. The question is while as children we were taught to go to our teachers or anger responsible adult, who do we complain to when the "responsible adult" is the one doing the bullying?

You have several options, fight back and be brought down to that persons level, be subtle and try to out "politic" them or you can decide to rise above the situation and move on.

For me personally having decided to live my life as drama and conflict free as possible, I choose the latter, simply removing myself from the situation, if someone wants to wield their power in a manner that is unbecoming their position or even that of responsible adults, I would rather move on and save myself the trouble as I have come to realize that there are other "playgrounds" to play on.

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