Saturday, July 13, 2013

Being bullied as an adult.

There is all sorts of focus on being bullied as a child, on awareness of bullying and making sure that those feeling bullied have outlets to express their concerns. Unfortunately as we grow older we think at bullying goes away, that people will act as adults and that everyone will be grown up about "things". 

This is not the case, bullying simply gets other terms, "office politics", "e good old boy system", or simply cliques, all of which are subtle or not so subtle forms of bullying. The question is while as children we were taught to go to our teachers or anger responsible adult, who do we complain to when the "responsible adult" is the one doing the bullying?

You have several options, fight back and be brought down to that persons level, be subtle and try to out "politic" them or you can decide to rise above the situation and move on.

For me personally having decided to live my life as drama and conflict free as possible, I choose the latter, simply removing myself from the situation, if someone wants to wield their power in a manner that is unbecoming their position or even that of responsible adults, I would rather move on and save myself the trouble as I have come to realize that there are other "playgrounds" to play on.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Setting a Goal and Missing it.

In life I've found it very important to set goals and work towards them. You can find plenty of advice on how to set a goal, on what a goal "should" be (i.e. SMART Goals) and even how to celebrate reaching your goals. What you don't find a lot of is how to react when you don't reach those goals. There's really only three options, give up, give in, or give it all you've got. Giving up isn't  an option for me, as I don't really know what I would do if I don't reach my goals, this goes the same for giving in and resigning myself to failure, it's simply not the way I'm wired. That leaves me with but one option, to give it all I've got. Goals may not have been reached this time, but all that means is I need to reevaluate how I've gone about them, and realize my goals did not fail, I failed at achieving them.

For me right now that means pushing harder, working harder, with more passion on a more consistant basis. Not letting obstacles be anything but something that I use to push myself closer to my goal. I will get to where I want to be, not because of luck, not because someone has helped me get there but because I WILL get myself there. Too many people have told me that I CAN'T, that I WON'T, well I have news for them, I WILL, and when I do I will stand triumphantly on top of my achievement and say "I TOLD YOU SO", not for them, but for ME! I will work HARDER, I will PUSH, I will TRAIN, I will LEARN, and I will TRIUMPH! Don't worry about me, I've got this, I will CRUSH my goals, every time I don't I just figure out another way not to get to my goals, and that means I'm simply one step closer to realizing them! Don't give up, don't give in, GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Reason Behind This Blog

I have been toying with the idea of this blog for quite sometime, as I am somewhat prominent within my own  community, have a prominent family, and as such was raised not to "ruffle feathers". Unfortunately I was born with a seemingly larger than normal opinion on most issues and as such have found it hard to bite my tongue, although in most instances I have been successful.

I see this blog as my outlet, my "Fortress of Solitude" as it were, a place that I can come to truly let some of my "real" emotions out. I won't be advertising this through any of my social networks, so I honestly don't know how you, gentle reader, will stumble upon this but if you have, please know that this is nothing more than me expressing some of my inner thoughts, thoughts that you yourself may have had, but have been too scared, or too societally repressed to express publicly. This is MY place to let me inner demons as it were out, to let my opinion run rampant, and to truly let people know how I think.

If you are a member of my social circle and you stumble upon this blog, mayhaps I leave my laptop open at the wrong instance, or you're actually good at the internet and find my name attached to it, I would ask that you keep this to yourself, as the reason for this blog isn't to publicly express my views, the views expressed herein will be much too controversial for that. The purpose of this blog is to allow my views a place to come out, a place to stretch and grow root, possibly even to grow.  If I were attempting to publicly censure and decry the instances, organizations and people spoken about in this blog, I would not express them here, but in the public forum, for while I may be a fool for placing these things online, do not mistake me for a coward, for when I feel that my opinions will be heard, weighed on their merit, and considered I take them to the appropriate place. When, however, I feel as though my opinion has no home in "polite society  but I feel so strongly convicted that I must express it somewhere, you will find me here and honestly... Damn the Torpedos!