Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Reason Behind This Blog

I have been toying with the idea of this blog for quite sometime, as I am somewhat prominent within my own  community, have a prominent family, and as such was raised not to "ruffle feathers". Unfortunately I was born with a seemingly larger than normal opinion on most issues and as such have found it hard to bite my tongue, although in most instances I have been successful.

I see this blog as my outlet, my "Fortress of Solitude" as it were, a place that I can come to truly let some of my "real" emotions out. I won't be advertising this through any of my social networks, so I honestly don't know how you, gentle reader, will stumble upon this but if you have, please know that this is nothing more than me expressing some of my inner thoughts, thoughts that you yourself may have had, but have been too scared, or too societally repressed to express publicly. This is MY place to let me inner demons as it were out, to let my opinion run rampant, and to truly let people know how I think.

If you are a member of my social circle and you stumble upon this blog, mayhaps I leave my laptop open at the wrong instance, or you're actually good at the internet and find my name attached to it, I would ask that you keep this to yourself, as the reason for this blog isn't to publicly express my views, the views expressed herein will be much too controversial for that. The purpose of this blog is to allow my views a place to come out, a place to stretch and grow root, possibly even to grow.  If I were attempting to publicly censure and decry the instances, organizations and people spoken about in this blog, I would not express them here, but in the public forum, for while I may be a fool for placing these things online, do not mistake me for a coward, for when I feel that my opinions will be heard, weighed on their merit, and considered I take them to the appropriate place. When, however, I feel as though my opinion has no home in "polite society  but I feel so strongly convicted that I must express it somewhere, you will find me here and honestly... Damn the Torpedos!